Golden Star Curriculum

Our curriculum is based on the 7 areas of learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework .This will be delivered to the unique child through their interests and a play-based approach throughout the year.

The curriculum will be based on skills and progression of the individual child and their knowledge from an assessment of their starting points by the key worker and parental involvement.

Our understanding of the cultural capital means that every child should be given the chance for equal opportunities in life.  We are aware that children attending the nursery will have different starting points and individual activities for the unique child will be planned to challenge and extend each child’s learning including SEN children and children from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Activities will be planned by the Key person through observation and from the starting points of children entering the nursery and their individual interests, alongside a partnership with parents with information shared through the Famlyapp.

The activities will be delivered through the continuous provision, with child led and adult led activities based on the interests of the child, supported by adult interactions. When suitable ‘In the moment planning’ will be used and will be based on the interests of the child

Each child will be provided with challenging activities provided in an environment for inquisitive and investigative learning and will support the Characteristics of effective learning, considering the child’s individual interests. Practitioners will support interactions by modelling language, encouraging, and questioning learning taking place Positive interactions will be role modelled. There will be a strong focus on communication and language through a daily timetable that promotes storytelling and rhymes.

Children’s progress will be observed and monitored by the key person to ensure that children are  continually challenged within the  learning environment and each child is given opportunities to reach their full potential. Observations will be made, and activities planned will build on children’s learning, using Birth to 5 matters as guidance for milestones and progress.

Staff will support children in develop self-help skills using the transition times between home and school,

The nursery aims to create an enabling environment, supporting opportunities for exploration,  building on previous experiences, and providing opportunities to develop strong gross and fine motor skills. Our curriculum and chosen activities  will enable each child to:

  • To have high expectations of themselves through positive staff role models
  • To reach their full potential as learners through the provision of stimulating wide range of experiences, supported by staff who understand the importance of quality interactions through questioning, modelling language and setting challenging activities.
  • To build on their individual strengths and talents through staff’s knowledge of their individual key children
  • To enjoy their learning and know that their achievement is celebrated.
  • To develop the skills to learn both independently and collaboratively through the provision of an enabling environment.
  • To benefit from a culture of mutual respect, care, fairness, and tolerance 
  • To appreciate and care for the environment.
  • To included and respect diversity.
  • To feel happy, safe and secure
  • To understands their right to be individual and have a sense of self-worth.
  • To take responsibility for their own actions
  • To develop a lifelong enthusiasm and enjoyment for learning

5th February 2024 Salma Kalooji